Saturday, June 6, 2020

Color Play

It is so satisfying to create colors. You just mix, mix, mix until you achieve the shade you have in mind.

Watching Bob Ross mix colors, he would just "dab a little of this, then dab a little of that". Well, my paint sessions are much less efficient, time-wise:
- 30% (time) Mix colors
- 5% Spritz to keep palette wet
- 40% Paint
- 5% Wait for painting to dry
- 20% Scrub off mistakes

For the sake of efficiency, it is very important that I avoid remixing colors. So, I bought a massive pile of tiny resealable containers to store mixed colors. Now I can store to my heart's content.

Onto the art of the day: I had rainbow colors left over from another painting. It took 45 minutes to mix 9 colors. I couldn't let the colors go to waste, so I made these super quick rainbow panels!


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