Evening circa 8:30pm: When I’m back in the hotel after work, I pick a hobby and loosely commit myself to work on it at least one night during the week, which will be tonight. This particular week, I work on my expenses which is slightly more complicated as of late, so I have a good time constructing an airtight process for keeping track of different credit cards, bank accounts, and expense sheets. I’m not being sarcastic right now - I legitimately enjoy doing my finances, even more so when it requires some creativity to design a streamlined process. Other hobby options include writing blogposts (good luck going to bed on time those weeks), reading books, and reading product reviews on something or other. I also film video diaries occasionally, and I may eventually add a learning-oriented activity, like reading economics papers or crash course guides on topics like European imperialism (aspirations). All these hobbies get cycled through, one hobby per week, unless of course I have no free time after work.

10pm: I wind down for sleep by watching a few newly posted videos from among my Youtube subscriptions, perhaps a selection from my Watch Later list. Maybe it’s a vlog, a comedy sketch, or a video on pancake art. It’s best to start off with something I want to devote more attention to and transition to background chatter. If I flip-flop the order, I would end up becoming more awake from a highly entertaining video, and may keep watching until an unacceptable hour.
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