Saturday, October 10, 2015

"There is No Typical Week In My Life" - Monday

Morning 4:15am: I wake up way before sunrise to fly out to work. Sometimes, my mom has prepared something for me like a fruit salad. It’s very cozy when I get to carry away something homemade - the very real perks of living with my family. By the way, ‘living with family’ seems to sound better than ‘living with parents’.

5:30am: The Uber that takes me to the airport has a leather dashboard that gently gleams against the still-black morning. I'm not quite ready to wind up for the day, so I take it easy and interchangeably think quietly or read the New York Times daily briefing on my phone. (Interesting fact: the New York Times features most consistently among the papers that the "most successful" people read regularly. I did a background check on the NYT before subscribing.)

6:20am: I’m in the back of a long line through TSA, trying to deep-breathe away the bubbling freak-out over being late for my flight. I get through with time to spare as always, because the line moves faster than what I fear. Sometimes however, my belated boarding sticks me with subprime real estate in the overhead bins for my luggage.

9:30am: I get breakfast in the office this morning and also every other morning, which is a healthy habit I'm happy about. Fruit, greek yogurt with granola, oatmeal, Naked juice, or potentially a granola bar - something from that list. I’ve been known to grab a cheeky fruit tart while I’m at the bakery to save for later and there was that one time I bought kombucha tea, only to take a sip and put it away because it tastes like alcohol (it’s non-alcoholic, but fermented, and the classification may or may not be a fuzzy subject).

Evening circa 7:30pm: At some point in the evening, I leave the office and go back to my hotel room. I’m usually hungry, but it’s Monday so it’s also a relief/chore mixture to have to unpack. I also want to respond to any personal texts or emails I hadn’t seen from the day. There’s a bit of triage going on here where I have to order Postmate or Seamless food first because it takes time to arrive. But I had texted a couple people on my ride to the hotel, so I’m in conversation with one of them now. And this reminds me that I should message someone to move a hangout from tomorrow to Wednesday, so I better text them before I forget.

8:30pm: I stalk my Postmate via his moving icon on the map until my food finally comes. The food is never what I expect but I’m hungry so it’s fine. It’s always my own fault to order from an app where I can’t see any pictures and furthermore to order from a different restaurant each time because I like to try new things. The food is still fairly good and I can't complain.

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