Saturday, October 10, 2015

"There is No Typical Week In My Life" - Wednesday

Morning 6:15am: My first alarm goes off. I set it early so I have plenty of time to exercise and get ready for work. However, as is typical, I roll out of bed at 6:45 or even 7 after a long chain of 5-minute-interval alarms. I gear up, brush my teeth, and go downstairs to work out. When I’m on the treadmill, I feel like I’m suffering, but I know I’ll feel better during the day if I reach my bare minimum goal. Then I do some non-treadmill stuff which I enjoy much more and I am back upstairs and showering within 40 minutes. I play a handful of Youtube videos as I get ready, much like morning radio, often including a daily episode of Good Mythical Morning which I find clever-funny.

Evening circa 7:30pm: I’m meeting friends who now live in the area, so I drop my laptop at the hotel and coordinate where to meet. We have dinner, where I consider ordering salad and decide that for whatever reason, the fact that it’s later in the week means I don’t have to eat as healthy. We hang out and it’s a fun way to spend the evening, getting the vibe of the city. Then I return to the hotel, which fun fact, I sometimes refer to as “home” for short.

Main Post Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday


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