Tuesday, September 1, 2020

So Much Scrap Paint – Addendum #3 & 4

All I'm painting these days are Addendum collection pieces.

I've been in the mood to clear out my storage of mixed paints before starting any nicer paintings. Making these two Addendums used up a majority, so I'm satisfied about that.

I still have some excess paint left, so it might take an ugly third piece to use up the rest of the forest green and bits of brown. (Note from Faith in the future: I made the ugly painting and the dissonant colors were so ugly that it hurt my soul. I have stashed the abomination in a corner, waiting to trash it. | A second update from Faith in the future future: I successfully got rid of the abomination. My sister wanted the wooden frame of the canvas for her own art project, so we ripped the painting out. I've been relieved of my burdens.)

Just imagine, all the paint on these two canvases would have been wasted if I didn't have my paint-saving system.

Addendum #3: Fountain

Addendum #4: Kitchen Apron
I forgot to put patches on the apron, which would have looked cool.


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