Friday, May 15, 2020

More Galaxy Themes

The concept for this painting was inspired by the Pixar short, "Day & Night". It is an incredibly sweet story and a very aesthetically unique concept.
The really fun part of this painting was making clouds with sponge technique and making stars with splatter technique. I try to learn a new technique each painting -- and am thankful that acrylic is mildly forgiving. The ability to fix and fix again is the only reason I don't scrap every painting I make.

As you can see, I'm still using tape to make shapes and haven't gotten quite confident with freehand by this point (which was around October 2019). Soon, soon, I venture to do more than just straight lines.

Additionally, I hadn't gotten the galaxy theme out of my system yet, but after this painting, I decided to stop with the galaxy stuff and get some new ideas.
I used professional grade paint for the first time on the Night sections, after I got fed up with 
layering cheap paint many times for proper opacity. 


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