Saturday, May 23, 2020

Evolution of the Painting Approach

Looking back, the moment I decided to paint less perfectly, I subconsciously compensated by spending more time drafting and sketching.

More sketching is generally a good approach. It's much much easier to revise ideas on PowerPoint or a sketchpad than on canvas.

It's just very interesting that I can't relax the need for excellence, even with painting and I find ways to compensate when I deliberately try to reduce the perfectionism.
In the PowerPoint mock-up for this painting, people could not recognize the mountains and river. Some people thought the whole thing was a frog.

Hopefully, it's clearer on canvas that these are rolling hills and mountains. I decided quite late in the game to make this a landscape of Iceland, so added a fun camper and waterfall as distinguishing features  actually, commemorating a great trip from a couple years back.

Some of my photos from Iceland:


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