Thursday, August 20, 2020

Honeymoon Phase: Reflections (2 of 2)

Having spent last weekend upgrading my art space from two wobbly, folding coffee tables into a pitch-adjustable drawing table, I take a moment to reflect on this art journey so far.

The fact that I'm still interested, after several months and multiple waves of inspiration honestly surprises me.

Making art has been sort of like how my Christmas collection progressed. I wasn't in the zone at all initially and sat on the first panel for a couple weeks, not knowing how to fix a wonky wizardress. Then I moved on to the six other panels, painting the wizardress in various poses. By the end, it was eons easier to go back and spot how to fix the proportions of the first character. If something's not working, it helps to wait a beat, take a different route to sharpen your skill, and try again later.

Similarly, painting taps into a slightly different part of my brain. So I think this hobby gives me a sandbox and different avenue to strengthen skills like redefining standards of perfection (classic), being in the present, and constantly relearning that practice does make progress (that skills are not innate).

Painting sure beats spending the time just watching TV.

Blogging has also been a big part of memorializing my reflections and finalizing each piece. Looking ahead, I would love to increasingly enjoy the process and not rush towards the outcome. I'd like to be a little less controlling. To keep finding my style, hopefully maintaining a clean and appealing aesthetic while shedding the dreaded children's nursery vibe. And I hope painting continues to be interesting and moderately meaningful.

Also, if I can have an additional wish, I would like to learn to photograph acrylic paintings, so I can avoid shiny glare but preserve the vibrancy and brightness of the original. Truly the greatest, most underrated challenge of posting.


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